
Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions about your next stay at Hotel Palmeras? In this section, you will find detailed answers about how to get there, what services we offer and tips to make the most of your visit. We want your experience at Hotel Palmeras to be unforgettable from the first moment.

Where is Hotel Palmeras Bucerias located?

Lázaro Cardenas #35, Bucerias, Nayarit, Mexico.

What are the opening hours of your restaurant?

It is not a direct restaurant of the hotel, it opens at 8:00 am and closes at 2:30 pm (during low season)

What type of transportation exists in Bucerias?

Public transportation, taxi, uber, in driving

What payment methods do they accept at Hotel Palmeras Bucerías?

We accept cash, credit or debit cards (VISA, Mastercard, AMEX) and bank transfer.

Is the hotel all inclusive?

We are not an all-inclusive hotel; Our rates cover accommodation only. However, we offer restaurant service for our guests

What do you recommend I bring to have a stay of ten?

For greater comfort we recommend you bring the following personal items with you:

  • Comfortable and beach clothing.
  • Your own controlled medications.
  • Toothbrush and personal hygiene items.
Are there medical services in Bucerias?

In Bucerias there is the IMSS Family Medical Unit Av. Héroes de Nacozari 78, Flamingos, 63732 Bucerías, Nay. Telephone: 329 298 0588 and Hospital CMQ Riviera Nayarit Telephone 329298 0717

Should I tip for different experiences?
  • Tips are well received in restaurants, tours, and when they help you with your luggage, among other services; however, they are not mandatory. It's fair to tip 15% to 20% if you enjoy the service you receive.
  • Tip for Housekeeper
How is the weather in Bucerias?

The climate is subtropical, with temperatures ranging from temperate to warm most of the year. From November to May, the climate is ideal, with temperatures ranging between 21°C and 26°C, while at night they drop up to 15.5 ° C. During the rainy season, temperatures can reach 32 ° C, but the town becomes quieter and you will have the place almost to yourself. Fishing is best in the months of September, October, November. and December.

Is it safe to travel to Bucerias?

In general, Bucerias is a quiet town, with friendly and peaceful people, but as everywhere it is important to be cautious and keep your valuables safe, so we recommend not carrying them with you all the time and keeping them safe in your room.

What attractions can I find in Bucerias?

Bucerias is a fishing town full of natural wealth, where you can find beach, river, waterfalls and mountains.

What activities can I do in Bucerias?
  • Surf
  • Kiteboarding
  • Snorkeling
  • Tours: Marietas Islands, Quimixto, Los Arcos, Animas.
  • Street Art
  • Artisan market